The pursuit of democracy in the production sharing organizations: administration of justice

  • Carlos García-Gutiérrez Fernández Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: authority, competition, cooperation, efficiency, justice, nature


It has been known that democracy has been disrupted, distorted, amputated. There is evidence that conventional political systems are only apparently democratic. And, by the way of the availability to participate in the flows of information in the field of society can be glimpsed the institutions collapse that have been revealed as power abusers, democracy thieves. It envisions the establishment of other systems better adapted to the latest situation.

In economic life, there are also abuses of authority, of power and no misrepresentations. Democracy is circumscribed and, with many limitations, the establishment of objectives.

Additionally, as there is an objective on which there is an implicit consensus by all participants, regardless of the type of organization: increasing the value of the organization which is achieved to meet the objectives of all involved, the application of one person one vote rule is not necessary. It may even be counterproductive, at least circumstantially, while both are aware of that pleasure. So until you get to that situation, so induced, conflicts can occur that turn into a negative-sum game involving one or the other.

Still little room for democratic decision making and still required the restoration of

rights, organizations can provide themselves justice systems outside of conventional ones, with appropriate safeguards, to restore the broad sense of democracy also reaching justice, and are particularly relevant in the field of production organizations, and even more in the participation ones.


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How to Cite
García-Gutiérrez Fernández C. (2013). The pursuit of democracy in the production sharing organizations: administration of justice. REVESCO. Revista de Estudios Cooperativos, 112, 95-121.