¿Qué debe hacer un filósofo argentino?
The following theses are defended: 1) philosophical problems are universal; 2) it is not necessary, and it is probably not even convenient, that philosophy have “public intervention”; 3) when the philosopher talks about subject matters in which he is not a specialist the philosopher can offer no more than common-sense, in the best case a more or less reflective and enlightened common-sense; 4) Argentine philosophers almost never argue among them in print (they in general do it with philosophers of the First World who, with honorable exceptions, have never realized that they have been refuted in our country), but the idea that the cause of this situation is that Argentine philosophers do not work on topics that are of interest to their compatriots and that therefore the treatment for the illness must consist in their changing the topic is, to say the least, highly disputable; 5) everyone has the right to research whatever topic he wishes independently of the practical utility or “social impact” that the results of that research might have.Downloads
La Revista de Filosofía, para fomentar el intercambio global del conocimiento, facilita el acceso sin restricciones a sus contenidos desde el momento de su publicación en la presente edición electrónica, y por eso es una revista de acceso abierto. Los originales publicados en esta revista son propiedad de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y es obligatorio citar su procedencia en cualquier reproducción total o parcial. Todos los contenidos se distribuyen bajo una licencia de uso y distribución Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 (CC BY 4.0). Esta circunstancia ha de hacerse constar expresamente de esta forma cuando sea necesario. Puede consultar la versión informativa y el texto legal de la licencia.