Anthropological Determination of Sex by Studying the Sternum

  • Enrique Dorado Fernández Médico forense de Alcalá de Henares y profesor asociado de la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares
  • Andrés Santiago Sáez Especialista Medicina legal y Forense. Profesor Asociado de la Facultad de Medicina. UCM
  • José Ignacio de Miguel Moro Técnico Superior de Salud Pública. Comunidad de Madrid
Keywords: Anthropology, sexing, sternum, Hyrtl, identification, Paterson


Asample of 83 sternums was studied in a contemporary Spanish population to determine sex in function with its anatomical measurements. Total length, manubrium length, body length, width in the first and third sternum parts, maximum width and thickness were studied.

The differences in each parameter for each sex were analysed and the dispersion and overlapping of values are shown by graphs. The statistical significance was obtained by Decision Trees, which affords the optimum cut points to separate both sexes.

The best results were observed for the total length of the sternum and the length of the sternum body. The critical values of 141 and 97 mm respectively allow discrimination with a probability of 90%.

Finally, various rates were calculated in the sample to follow the postulates of Paterson and the known law of Hyrtl.


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How to Cite
Dorado Fernández E., Santiago Sáez A. y de Miguel Moro J. I. (2007). Anthropological Determination of Sex by Studying the Sternum. Revista de la Escuela de Medicina Legal, 6, 27-42.