School of Legal Medicine of Madrid (II)
This second part of the article aims to define the functions of the School of Legal Medicine, which according to the Regulation of 1929 were the following:
1. Resolution of consultations and office of reports and certificates dealing with Medical Forensic matters.
2. Teaching purposes.
3. Scientific research.
In Chapter II, these concepts are developed (Resolution of consultations and office of reports and certificates dealing with Medical-Forensic matters.), which in Article 3 states: «The School of Legal Medicine is required to perform analysis, release judgments and give consultations on Medical Forensic, Toxicology and Psychiatry matters as a consulting institution of the Justice Administration, at the service of judges of public ministry, judicial tribunals and the governmental Administration on such matters.
It is also its duty to intervene in the enlightening of these types of problems, on request from organisms and scientific centres ». As an important part of its activity is the academic and social with the consequent formation of physicians specialized in Legal and Forensic Medicine, the establishment of courses for continuing formation and updating in subjects of the specialty and sharing of medical-legal knowledge with physicians in general and especially legal-forensic physicians, which is needed, in accordance with the current Organic Act of Judicial Power, providing basic medical-legal and medical-forensic knowledge and techniques to professional specialists in other related areas which may be required by developing specialized courses related to a specific subject, promoting and encouraging lectures, conferences, seminars and all types of scientific meetings as well as any activity related to this specialty. In order to carry this out, appropriate agreements, relations and coordination with interested public organisms will be established. Physicians’ expertise activity, hierarchy and functional structure of the centre, with its capacity for autofinancing, and the article ends with the study of the minutes, compiled since its foundation.
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