La ambivalencia del antes y el después: los usos del tiempo en una versión reciente de la Saga de Basëbüke de los indios ishír (chamacoco)

  • Edgardo Jorge Cordeu
Keywords: Ishír, Mythical and Historical Time, The Basëbuke Saga,


Immediately after an historical review of the ethnography of the denominated Saga of Basëbüke of the Chamacoco Indians or Ishír of the Boreal Chaco, I analyse a new version of it from the hermeneutic approach to two characteristics extremely interesting: 1) the transposition of the narrative linking and the performances in other novel personage apparently denominated Son of Basëbüke, and 2) the substitution by the informant of the typical seriality of the traditional mythological chronology for other idiosyncratic chronology much more reduced, in which are inserted a set of events more appropriately historical. Emphasizing this peculiar way to organize the temporary course and its events, I finally formulate in some hypotheses about their incidence in the vital attitude of the informant and its conceptual setting.


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How to Cite
Cordeu E. J. . (2009). La ambivalencia del antes y el después: los usos del tiempo en una versión reciente de la Saga de Basëbüke de los indios ishír (chamacoco). Revista Española de Antropología Americana, 39(2), 189-208.