Acontecimientos y regularidades chullparias: más allá de las tipologías. Reflexiones en torno a la construcción del paisaje chullpario

  • Francisco M. Gil García
Keywords: Chullpas, landscape archaeology, perception archaeology, Southern Andes, Late Intermediate Period,


Cosidering the chullpa tower formal heterogeneity, its extensive dispersion area, and its vast temporal sequence, we think here that the idea of dealing with a unique typology, in order to draw a chronological sequence, starting from its architectural characteristics represents a complicated exercise whose results could blur the chullparian phenomenon interpretation. According to this circunstances, we resorted to the idea of chullpas-in-the-landscape as key piece for the desing of a Time and Space (symbolic) management model. Thus, this study is set up as an integrating exercise of social function of the chullparian structures, its territorial dimension and its ideological expression. In these terms, we will refer as "happenings" to designate the interrelation of the chullparian structures, ideology, and power relations, emphasizing its importance in each chullparian context. Likewise, we will refer as "regularities" to designate those relation forms of chullpa towers with their environment and starting from which "chullparian solutions" to territorial tensions are being provided.


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How to Cite
Gil García F. M. (2002). Acontecimientos y regularidades chullparias: más allá de las tipologías. Reflexiones en torno a la construcción del paisaje chullpario. Revista Española de Antropología Americana, 32, 207-241.