Mexico: Land, Territory and Gender. Breakdowns in the Patriarchal Order

Keywords: territorial defenders, land, territory, gender, patriarchal order


The Mexican and Latin American 21st century is marked by a new wave territorial dispossession undertaken by private or state capital, in neoliberal and progressive governments, and inhabitants of affected communities mobilize in defense of their territories and natural assets. In this framework, the presence of women defender stands out, who for centuries were made invisible in the struggles for land, but now, like never before, not without conflicts associated with their gender and their ethnic and class belonging, they appear with their own voices and demands. What motivates them and how do they participate? What obstacles do they face and strategies do they deploy to overcome them? How do they reconfigure territories and gender inequalities? This paper tries to answer such questions. 


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How to Cite
Espinosa Damián G. (2024). Mexico: Land, Territory and Gender. Breakdowns in the Patriarchal Order. Revista Española de Antropología Americana, 54(2), 223-235.