Enchanted Village: Cosmopolitical Intrusion in an Indigenous Assembly on the Middle Purus River (Amazonas, Brazil)

  • Mario Rique Fernandes Universidade Federal do Amazonas
Keywords: amerindian politics, cosmopolitics, withcraft, Purus River, Apurinã


Having as its motto the description of an indigenous assembly located in a region threatened by deforestation caused by the advance of the agricultural frontier in the central Brazilian Amazon, I reflect on the “traces and signs of past ways of life carried into the present”, or what Anna Tsing et al. (2017) name as “ghosts of the Anthropocene blowing over haunted landscapes”. How can we pay attention to this palimpsest of time/space present in landscapes when we propose to follow our interlocutors along their terrestrial networks? The story I bring here is the result of that experience of participating in an indigenous assembly accompanying the Apurinã through the muddy waters of the Purus River and its blackwater streams, letting them unfold the range of controversies in which they are involved during these displacements.


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How to Cite
Rique Fernandes M. (2023). Enchanted Village: Cosmopolitical Intrusion in an Indigenous Assembly on the Middle Purus River (Amazonas, Brazil). Revista Española de Antropología Americana, 53(2), 315-333. https://doi.org/10.5209/reaa.84474