Christian Times and Andean Times. Colonial Chronicles and Qeros

  • José Luis Martínez C. Universidad de Chile
Keywords: time; space; Pacha, chronicles; qeros; andean societies; colonial times.


A set of Andean qeros from the 17th and 18th centuries, which show scenes corresponding to the Andean past and its colonial present, allow us to approach the discussion about the different concepts of time and space that both the European Christian societies of that time and the Andean ones had. While in the former both concepts are autonomous, in the Andes the concept of pacha implies the simultaneity of time and space. While the chronicles written by Europeans were organized with a linear conception of time, the visual narratives in the qeros followed different organizational and enunciative principles. It is proposed that both concepts coexisted colonially, and served as the basis for the construction and/or conservation of memories in the Andes.


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How to Cite
Martínez C. J. L. (2020). Christian Times and Andean Times. Colonial Chronicles and Qeros. Revista Española de Antropología Americana, 50, 81-102.