Reconstructing Elite Maya Rituals in the Northern Lowlands: A View from the Maya Codices and Ek’ Balam

  • Gabrielle Vail Departamento de Antropología, Universidad de Carolina del Norte, Chapel Hill
Keywords: Maya codices, Ek’ Balam, elite rituals, yearbearer ceremonies


Texts from murals and capstones at Ek’ Balam provide a unique window onto some of the rituals practiced by the dynastic founder and the ruling population at the site, allowing a greater understanding of Late Classic elite Maya culture in the northern lowlands during this time period. Ek’ Balam’s history diverges from that of other northern Classic polities, with a late establishment of the royal dynasty and apparent ties to Classic period sites in the southern and western lowlands. Almanacs from the hieroglyphic Maya codices, with antecedents dating to the Late and Terminal Classic periods, provide a useful source of data for interpreting iconographic and textual references to ritual events occurring in the late 8th and early 9th centuries at Ek’ Balam.


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How to Cite
Vail G. (2019). Reconstructing Elite Maya Rituals in the Northern Lowlands: A View from the Maya Codices and Ek’ Balam. Revista Española de Antropología Americana, 49(Especial), 241-263.