From Teotihuacan to Tenochtitlan. Two Trajectories of Social ChangeFrom Teotihuacan to Tenochtitlan. Two Trajectories of Social Change

  • Michael E. Smith Arizona State University.
Keywords: Teotihuacan, Tula, Mexicas, Ancient states, Inequality.


I review quantitative data for several major social and economic changes in central Mexico from the Classic Period through the Late Postclassic Period. Two kinds of trajectories through time can be identified. First, population and urbanization exhibited U-shaped curves of change: High values for Teotihuacan in the Classic, then lower values during the Epiclassic and Early Postclassic periods, followed by high values again in the Late Postclassic (Aztec) Period. On the other hand, economic measures (trade and commercialization) increased over this interval, while measures of well-being or standard of living declined. This is a preliminary study that points to the importance of quantitative archaeological data for research on the changes that took place in ancient Mesoamerica.


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How to Cite
Smith M. E. (2018). From Teotihuacan to Tenochtitlan. Two Trajectories of Social ChangeFrom Teotihuacan to Tenochtitlan. Two Trajectories of Social Change. Revista Española de Antropología Americana, 47, 239-254.