Water in Cerro del Rayo: New Evidence on Water Presence and Management in Monte Albán

  • Araceli Rojas Martínez Gracida Investigadora invitada. Universidad de Erlangen, Alemania.
Keywords: Monte Albán, water, water management, Cociyo, Oaxaca


This article offers new data on the presence of water and the systems to control it in the site of Monte Albán, Oaxaca. A recent hydrological study of the Central Valleys of Oaxaca reveals numerous sources of water on the site. Among them, there are run-offs, streams, and springs that originate and flow down the hill until they reach the river Atoyac at the base of the valley. An archaeological survey confirmed the presence of these running waters as well as the use of technology for the control and management of water, such as wells, walls, dams and canals. This data, along with previous studies of the management of water and references to the main deity Cociyo, suggests that Monte Albán could have been seen as a hill of sustenance, similar to the altepetl, a place of worship to the god of Lightning, principal provider of rain.


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How to Cite
Martínez Gracida A. R. (2018). Water in Cerro del Rayo: New Evidence on Water Presence and Management in Monte Albán. Revista Española de Antropología Americana, 47, 15-42. https://doi.org/10.5209/REAA.61968