Bioarchaeological Contributions to the Study of Colonial Urban Populations in South America (Mendoza, Argentina)

  • Daniela Mansegosa CONICET; FFyL, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo; CIRSF
  • Horacio Chiavazza FFyL, Universidad Nacional Cuyo; CIRSF
Keywords: Physiological stress, diseases, historical populations, Mendoza, Argentina.


In this paper we give the results of the analysis of human skeletal remains recovered by archaeological excavations carried out in 2009 by the Center for Research Ruins of San Francisco in San Francisco Temple, located in the north of Mendoza. The sector excavated R corresponds to the pilaster at the entrance of the temple of the eighteenth century, covering both the exterior and interior of the area. Bioanthropological and taphonomic results corresponding to six individuals from the whole bone. The chronology of each individual according to their position in space and burial context is also defined. These studies contribute to the characterization of the health and nutrition of urban historical population in the city of Mendoza.


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How to Cite
Mansegosa D. y Chiavazza H. (2017). Bioarchaeological Contributions to the Study of Colonial Urban Populations in South America (Mendoza, Argentina). Revista Española de Antropología Americana, 45(2), 403-418.