The Techialoyan Codices and their Number

  • Nadia Mariana Serralde Narváez El Colegio Mexiquense, A.C.
  • Miguel Ángel Ruz Barrio El Colegio Mexiquense, A.C.
Keywords: Techialoyan codices, mesoamerican codices, ethnohistory sources, New Spain, Center of Mexico.


In this article, it is proposed a brief revision of the number of Techialoyan codices. To do this, the text starts with a definition of the corpus, that it is composed of manuscripts done between the half of the 17th century and beginning of the next. Around these documents there are many doubts and it remains much to do. In this case, we present a review around the lists and catalogues to see the changes of the group through time. Our conclusion is that is necessary recount the corpus, because there are fragmented documents and others are unknowns or copies. Finally, we show our count, that leaves the number less than fifty-six documents catalogued until today.


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How to Cite
Serralde Narváez N. M. y Ruz Barrio M. Á. (2016). The Techialoyan Codices and their Number. Revista Española de Antropología Americana, 45(1), 229-252.