Invisible Universe: An Approach to Jama Coaque Culture Through the Analysis of Two Ceramic Vessels at the Museo de América

  • Andrés Gutiérrez Usillos Museo de América, Madrid
Keywords: Jama Coaque, Museo de América, archaeometry, X-ray, whistling bottle, SEM-EDX, Gas chromatography- mass spectrometry, FTIR, starch, pollen


Archaeometric analyses allow us to discover traces and features not only about components, or manufacturing structure of archaeological objects; they also make possible the interpretation of lifestyles of ancient cultures. Radiographs, probes with camcorder, along with the analysis of organic remains contained or iconographic interpretations suggest very interesting data to know more in depth the Jama Coaque culture of pre-Hispanic Ecuador.


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How to Cite
Gutiérrez Usillos A. (2014). Invisible Universe: An Approach to Jama Coaque Culture Through the Analysis of Two Ceramic Vessels at the Museo de América. Revista Española de Antropología Americana, 43(2), 537-554.