Beyond Development: Postdevelopment and Transitions towards the Pluriverse

  • Arturo Escobar University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Keywords: postdevelopment, modernity, transitions pluriverse


The present text constitutes the Preface to the second edition Encountering Development (1995). After reviewing both the most important transformations in the world over the past fiffteen years, and the debates in critical development studies during the same period, the author concludes that the time has come to renew the debates on postdevelopment and alternatives to development, as many social movements are actually doing. Given the deepening ecological and social crises, there emerge in undeniable ways discourses about transitions to an other type or society or civilizational model. This transition could move us beyond the modern idea of one Universe –One World under the hegemony of certain conceptions of the individual, rationality, economy, science, and the market—towards a genuine pluriverse of scio-natural worlds. These transitions announce that globalization is not only the last stage of capitalist modernity, but also the beginning of something new.


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Author Biography

Arturo Escobar, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Es profesor de antropología en la Universidad de Carolina del Norte en Chapel Hill. Sus intereses principales son: la ecología política, el diseño, y la antropología del desarrollo, los movimientos sociales, y la tecnociencia. Durante los últimos veinte años ha colaborado con organizaciones y movimientos sociales afro-colombianos en la región del Pacifico colombiano, y con la ONG Society for Internacional Development con base en Roma en proyectos sobre globalización, cultura, mujeres, lugar, y medio ambiente. Su libro más reciente es Territories of Difference: Place, Movements, Life, Redes (2008).



How to Cite
Escobar A. (2012). Beyond Development: Postdevelopment and Transitions towards the Pluriverse. Revista de Antropología Social, 21, 23-62.