La representación política durante el siglo XIX en Gran Bretaña

  • Fernando Sánchez-Beato Lacasa
Keywords: Expansion of the suffrage, Political representation, Constitutional evolution, Electoral system, political parties


The English constitutional evolution in the XIXth century was characterized by its enormous adjustment capacity to a changeable situation stimulated by the economic development, leading the State to progressively abandon the “laisser faire” and take on more socially active duties, recognizing the economical-political power held by the new emerging powers, and concurrently extending the right of suffrage; in this way a permanent system of adjustment was establish between the political order and the new interests of the most powerful groups. However the extension of the right of suffrage was neither associated with a redistribution of the wealth, nor with a radical change in the structures of political domination; it’s the beginning of an evolution that, throughout the XIXth and the XXth century, will ultimately provoke the mutation in the conception of political representation.


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How to Cite
Sánchez-Beato Lacasa F. . (2011). La representación política durante el siglo XIX en Gran Bretaña. Política y Sociedad, 48(1), 117-138.