El tiempo que no(s) sobra. Prejubilación, morfología urbana y actividad en el contexto avilesino

  • Susana Castillo
Keywords: Pre-retirement, Urban ethnography, Free time, Avilés,


Since the 90’s pre-retirement among the textile, naval and miner industries have been very common. In Avilés the larger businesses, mostly the public ones, removed people between 52 and 60 years old from the labor market through the process of employment regulation. In this article I analyze how the morphology of the city of Avilés has changed due to the pre-retirement process. I also question the notion that the time of pre-retired people, characterized by different meanings and uses, is free and leisure time. Activities dedicated to others –and themselves– constitute that time which is embodied in the practice and in the subjectivity of the social agents as normal –normalized– time. It’s time distinct from leisure time.


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How to Cite
Castillo S. (2008). El tiempo que no(s) sobra. Prejubilación, morfología urbana y actividad en el contexto avilesino. Política y Sociedad, 45(1), 261-280. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/POSO/article/view/POSO0808130261A