Los movimientos de los niños y niñas trabajadores. Un enfoque desde la sociología

  • Manfred Liebel
Keywords: Childhood, Working child, Children’s work, Child labour, Children’s rights, Social subject, Social


With the intention to understand the significant aspects of the movements and organizations of working children (NATs), that have sprung up in various regions of the Southern hemisphere since the 1980s, the author refers to a concept of the child as a subject, that is able to interpret his realities and to act in a conscious way. Firstly, he questions whether there is a common ground shared by the working children and their organizations. Secondly, he discusses the category social subject asking to what extent it represents this common ground, but also on which social and cultural prerequisites the discourse on social subjects depends. Thirdly, the author questions what possible effects these organizations have on the children themselves and on the society they live in. Finally, he concentrates on the implications that the subjectorientated approach has for the understanding of the phenomena of children’s work in its whole complexity, particularly in its significances for the working children.


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How to Cite
Liebel M. . (2006). Los movimientos de los niños y niñas trabajadores. Un enfoque desde la sociología. Política y Sociedad, 43(1), 105-123. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/POSO/article/view/POSO0606130105A