Movimiento social, proceso político y Mass media: el movimiento pacifista catalán ante los conflictos de Kosovo y Chechenia

  • Javier Alcalde Villacampa
Keywords: Social Movements, Social Protest, Mass Media, Peace Movement


Can the level of protest be augmented considerably due to media coverage of a conflict? Though a theoretical framework based on the interaction between social movements, political process and the media, the paper compares the response of (he Catalan pacifist movement to two international conflicts: the war in Chechnya and the war in Kosovo. In the case of the Balkans, participation of the NATO will be a determinant, dividing the protest against that conflict into two different processes. In this study, the key independent variable is the media coverage that impacts on the political opportunity structure. Finally, I present hypothesis about the different strength of two Spanish social movements, that of Barcelona and in Madrid, related to the nationalistic question in Catalonia as a factor of politization.


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How to Cite
Alcalde Villacampa J. . (2004). Movimiento social, proceso político y Mass media: el movimiento pacifista catalán ante los conflictos de Kosovo y Chechenia. Política y Sociedad, 41(1), 111-130.