Pactos electorales y coaliciones de gobierno en Canarias (1979-2002)

  • José Adrián García Rojas


Canary Islands are one of the Spanish Regional Governments that have had to conform coalition Governments in their different levels of Government. In this article we analyse the evolution of the coalition Governments, the coalition agreements between political forces, and the coalitional dynamic in Canary Islands. One of the explanations of the canarian politics is the importance of the insular political arenas and the oversize of the local factors in the Canary Islands political system, above over, in the 1987-1993 period. The fragmentation of the Canarian Parliament and the existence of different party systems in everyone of the seven islands, have contributed to create a coalitional dynamic that we could divided in three periods: a) 1979-1987, in this period the coalition agreements are of national range; b) 1987-1993, in this period the coalitional agreements are of insular range because the irruption of the island range parties in the Canary Islands political life; and c) 1993- until now, in this period the irruption of Canary Coalition party begin a regional agreements policy in all the levels of Government.


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How to Cite
García Rojas J. A. (2003). Pactos electorales y coaliciones de gobierno en Canarias (1979-2002). Política y Sociedad, 40(2), 137-156.