The Kirchnerist Argentina (2003-2015) analyzed from a Gramscian perspective. Notes for a balance

  • Gastón Ángel Varesi Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Keywords: neo-developmentalism, kirchnerism, hegemony, power relations, socio-economic structure


The paper analyzes the transformations both in the construction of hegemony at the State level and in the capital accumulation process, between 2003 and 2015, in Argentina. The research takes a Gramscian perspective, recovering the theoretical and methodological strategy of the analysis of situations and relations of force, focusing on the concept of hegemony to approach the relation of political forces and amalgamating other convergent concepts such as regime and model of accumulation, in order to deepen the analysis of the relation of social forces and the study of socio-economic structure that this dimension implies. Likewise, this approach, which articulates multiple dimensions and scales of analysis, frames the Argentine case in the context of the international forces relations. As a result, it is expected to provide several key aspects of the political, economic and social analysis to generate a balance of the period, evaluating the scope, limits and contradictions presented both by the Argentinean neo-developmentalism and the hegemonic force of those years: Kirchnerism.


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How to Cite
Varesi G. Á. (2021). The Kirchnerist Argentina (2003-2015) analyzed from a Gramscian perspective. Notes for a balance. Política y Sociedad, 58(1), e62036.