The Zapatism political singularity

  • Victoria Inés Darling Universidade Federal da Integracao Latino-Americana
Keywords: social movements, mexico, state, indigenousautonomy


The research problematizes the political singularity of the Ejército Zapatista de LiberaciónNacional (EZLN) throughout the last three decades in Mexico. The "intensity of autonomy" is highlighted, based on the apparent contradiction between indigenous autonomies and the relationship with the Mexican State. The case of the postulation of an indigenous candidate, representing the National Indigenous Congress, is recovered to explain the course of the 2018 presidential elections in order to analyze the power of the action and its intentions. The trajectory of the movement supporting candidates for government positions in the last twenty years is also detailed in order to give an account of the coherence of the movement in relation to the autonomy proposal. The Zapatist movement is considered for critical theory as an antagonist emergent of politics that exposes the limits of Mexican institutionality. In this sense the perspective of Ernesto Laclau is theoretically worked on. At the same time, through a hemerographic recovery, the constitutive moments in which the movement and the government held meetings of dialogue and negotiation are revealed, with their consequent outcome in order to justify the assertion about autonomy as an unintended consequence of the State action. Then, the communal hegemony concept is also proposed in order to think the social and political relations around the zapatist autonomy. Finally, the episteme zapatista is studied in terms of knowlwdges that are expressed practically. We understand that this definition questions the role that the Social Sciences play in their commitment to explain social reality and suggests ways of linking to recreate a situated discipline.


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Author Biography

Victoria Inés Darling, Universidade Federal da Integracao Latino-Americana
Profesora e Investigadora de la Universidade Federal da Integracao Latino-Americana en Brasil, es Doctora en Cs. Políticas y Sociales por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico. Actualmente cursa el Posdoctorado en Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.
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How to Cite
Darling V. I. (2019). The Zapatism political singularity. Política y Sociedad, 56(1), 235-251.