Power Relations and War

  • Alfredo Langa Herrero Universidad Alice Salomon Berlín Instituto de Estudios sobre Conflictos y Acción Humanitaria (IECAH)
Keywords: power, war, international relations, realism, racism, Foucault


This article introduces the concepts of power relations of Michel Foucault, taking into account power and international relations. The framework of relationships between States is analysed, as well as relations themselves, both generated by the exercise of power. This article looks at the different paradigms in international relations and their evolution, linking them with Foucault’s point of view on power, war, repression or races. In this sense, the concept of race war is identified as the most extreme version of realist paradigm in international relations. Such war does not include necessary a biological concept, but refers to the process of identity imposition by the main dominant groups. However, neither realism nor its extreme version are the only existing paradigms. Reflectivism has crystallized as the result of the evolution of alternative visions to realism.


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Author Biography

Alfredo Langa Herrero, Universidad Alice Salomon Berlín Instituto de Estudios sobre Conflictos y Acción Humanitaria (IECAH)

Profesor Asociado de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla e investigador del Instituto de Estudios sobre Conflictos y Acción Humanitaria (IECAH). Master en Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Consultor en planificación medioambiental, desarrollo sostenible y cooperación internacional. Ha sido delegado de Cruz Roja Española en Sudán, Etiopía y Guatemala y director de la Escuela Hispano-Marroquí de Negocios de Melilla. Actualmente realiza una estancia de investigación en la Universidad Alice Salomon de Berlín (Alemania).

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How to Cite
Langa Herrero A. (2016). Power Relations and War. Política y Sociedad, 53(2), 603-620. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_POSO.2016.v53.n2.48427