Art, bodies and public toilets. Artistic strategies that question architectural devices of sex-gender segregation

  • Alfonso del Río Almagro Profesor Titulardel Dpto. de Escultura de la Universidad de Granada.
  • Oihana Cordero Rodríguez Becaria F.P.U. Dpto. Escultura, Univerisdad de Granada. Doctoranda Programa Doctorado en Historia y Artes, Universidad de Granada.
Keywords: Art, Spatial Discourses, Sex-gender, Bodies, Public Toilets


The HUM-425 Research Group develops a research line which main aim is to analyze the artistic strategies that are used to analyze and modify the spatial discourse and the architectural devices, inasmuch as they become control technologies that aim to regulate our lives according to the established rules. Through this text we present the results of a research which is based on artistic proposals that question since the 1990s the discourses related to the public toilets as technological prostheses that support the sex-gender segregation by means of concealed representation and behavior strategies, which provoke the exclusion of non standardised identities. The analysed artistic proposals provide new approaches to spatial discourse that can be enriched with the analysis of other architectural devices and might be transfered to other fields of knowledge.


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Author Biographies

Alfonso del Río Almagro, Profesor Titulardel Dpto. de Escultura de la Universidad de Granada.

Profesor Titular del Dpto. Escultura, Universidad de Granada.

Director del Grupo de Investigación HUM-425. Universidad de Granada - Junta de Andalucía.

Profesor del Máster: Producción e Investigación en Arte. Universidad de Granada.

Oihana Cordero Rodríguez, Becaria F.P.U. Dpto. Escultura, Univerisdad de Granada. Doctoranda Programa Doctorado en Historia y Artes, Universidad de Granada.

Máster en Producción e Investigación en Arte. Universidad de Granada.

Miembro del Grupo de Investigación HUM-425. Universidad de Granada.



How to Cite
del Río Almagro A. y Cordero Rodríguez O. (2015). Art, bodies and public toilets. Artistic strategies that question architectural devices of sex-gender segregation. Política y Sociedad, 52(2), 465-486.