Development conceptions and its participative planning application in the andean countries

  • José Astudillo Banegas Universidad de Cuenca
  • Gabriela Álava Atiencie Universidad de Cuenca
  • Ana Piedra Martínez Investigadora en el Proyecto PASO –– Ambiental
Keywords: Development, Alternative Development, Good Living, Limitations to Development, Social Participation, Participatory Planning


During the last decades and with a strong influence of the last century, we have been tirelessly talking, waiting and building development due that the postwar inherited us the desire to become the image and the likeness of the United States, following the speech of Harry Truman president, point four, the world was globalized. Paraphrasing Karl Marx, under the influence of industrialization opium and the economic development; sacrificing and excluding towms, extracting natural resources without considering the consequences. Therefore social participation goes with the search for the good life than with the concept of western development or like Tomas R. Villasante will say, improve things every day to live better, without seeking the absolute truth instead to get happiness. “Living otherwise to live better” as expressed by Serge Latouche. Involving people in the things they want to do to grow and achieve their development, to do with them and not for them. Subordinate the economic growth and technological growth as a means to achieve it, such as: happiness, improving living conditions among humans and between these and the planet.


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How to Cite
Astudillo Banegas J., Álava Atiencie G. y Piedra Martínez A. (2015). Development conceptions and its participative planning application in the andean countries. Política y Sociedad, 52(2), 331-349.