The "cycle of the political demands": a methodological model applied to the episode of contentious politics over the reform for water´s legal framework in Costa Rica

  • Felipe Alpízar Rodríguez Docente e investigador de la Universidad de Costa Rica
Keywords: power, demands, stakeholders, framework, Costa Rica, water


This paper proposes a theoretical and methodological model for the analysis of the political process by focusing on the stakeholders, their demands and their power relations. It postulates that power relations can be studied by considering the effects produced by the exercise of power. To do so, it identifies the main stakeholders in a political process and their main demands. The model is applied to a specific episode of contentious politics in Costa Rica: the dispute over the reform for water´s legal framework occurred between 1996 and 2010. The so-called power spiral over the reform is composed by five different demands cycles in which many stakeholders, such as NGO´s, academic actors, ecologist and corporations, as well as political parties and public institutions debated and fought about the directions of the reform and in some cases tried to veto it. The power relations between them were studied, as said before, by identifying the main demand of each political actor and then evaluating their political incidence by considering the compliance (or not) of each demand at the end of the political process. This paper concludes that this method and in particular the study of the political incidence of the demands of the stakeholders serves as a causal mechanism of the outcome of the process and helps study power relations.


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Author Biography

Felipe Alpízar Rodríguez, Docente e investigador de la Universidad de Costa Rica

Doctor en Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2013) y Máster Oficial en Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2010). Licenciado en Ciencias Políticas con énfasis en Política y Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Ha trabajado en el Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo y ha sido  consultor de otros organismos internacionales como el BID, UNFPA y AECID. Actualmente labora como docente e investigador, en calidad de Profesor Invitado de la Escuela de Ciencias Políticas y el Posgrado Centroamericano en Ciencias Políticas en Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Costa Rica y realiza investigaciones también para el Programa Estado de la Nación del Consejo Nacional de Rectores de Costa Rica. Es autor del libro La influencia del poder en la política comercial de Costa Rica (EUCR 2005), así como coautor del libro Técnicas cualitativas de investigación (EUCR, 2012).

Domicilio: San José, Costa Rica.

Correo electrónico:, felipe.alpizar@ucr.

Tel: (506) 88962272



How to Cite
Alpízar Rodríguez F. (2014). The "cycle of the political demands": a methodological model applied to the episode of contentious politics over the reform for water´s legal framework in Costa Rica. Política y Sociedad, 51(2), 619-640.