Politics in movement

  • José Enrique Ema López Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Keywords: Politics, mobility, dislocation, spatialization, subjectivity, biopolitics


Mobility and politics are strongly linked. This paper shows an analysis of their relationships and the conditions of politics in our time. It has four sections. First, we speak about relations between mobility and politics. In second place we ask ourselves about the limits of mobile and fluid characterization of our time, and the political virtuality of the exit, exodus and nomadism. In the third section we develop a detailed description of mobility as police governance and we justify its biopolitical character. And finally, in conclusion, we complete our reflections about the possibilities and limits of politics today.

Today the space is nothing other than the space of circulation. Politics consists in transforming this space of “moving-along” into a space for the appearance of a political subject. In this way we propose thinking about politics like dwell or inhabit. Inhabiting would transform the circulation into places to show the subjetive capacity for politics. Inhabiting would be to build a place and a time for politics


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Author Biography

José Enrique Ema López, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
José Enrique Ema López, es doctor por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Profesor de Psicología Social en la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales en Talavera de la Reina. Sus trabajos e investigaciones tratan sobre las transformaciones contemporáneas de la política y la subjetividad. Considera necesario para ello, para el trabajo teórico y el análisis empírico, apostar por construir un ámbito de diálogo entre la filosofía, el psicoanálisis y las ciencias sociales.



How to Cite
Ema López J. E. (2013). Politics in movement. Política y Sociedad, 49(3), 397-415. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_POSO.2012.v49.n3.38546