Representations, collective effervescence and social reproduction. Traces for a contemporary debate

  • Ana Lucía Grondona Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Collective effervescence, ritual, representations, performativity, community of beliefs, ambivalence.


The article proposes a reflection on some key concepts of The Elementary Forms of Religious Life (ritual, collective effervescence, belief) in order to build a dialogue with contemporary writers (Louis Althusser, Ernesto Laclau, Judith Butler) who have reflected on the role of imaginaries in the production and reproduction of society. The paper is organized into three sections. In the first one, we explore the notion of “collective effervescence”, vital to understand the process by which societies represent and found themselves. In the second section, we discuss the productivity of collective effervescence regarding the creation of signs, imaginaries and communities of belief. In the third section, we analyze the ambivalence in the production and reproduction of imaginary orders, both regarding their constitutive contingence and the specific paradoxes of belief communities under the sign of modern pluralism and individual difference. Finally, we will propose some concluding remarks.


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Author Biography

Ana Lucía Grondona, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Ana Lucía Grondona es Licenciada en Sociología y Doctora en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Participa del grupo de investigación “Sociologías de la Comunidad”, dirigido por el Dr. Pablo de Marinis en el Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani de la UBA. Asimismo, es docente de teoría social en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y en la de Psicología de la misma universidad. Además de trabajar en temas vinculados a la teoría sociológica, su campo de investigaciones empíricas está relacionado con la historia de las ideas de la política social. Desarrolla esta línea de indagación en el Centro Cultural de la Cooperación Floreal Gorini.



How to Cite
Grondona A. L. (2012). Representations, collective effervescence and social reproduction. Traces for a contemporary debate. Política y Sociedad, 49(2), 255-271.