Nueva Rumasa and the limitations of the old gender roles in business

  • Pedro Vázquez-Miraz Universidad de A Coruña
Keywords: male chauvinism, sex roles, family company, corruption


An exhaustive description of José María Ruiz-Mateos' long business history, creator of Rumasa and Nueva Rumasa holdings is made in this article, emphasizing the important influence of conservative moral and religious values in the way of managing their companies, being the concepts of traditional christian family and the defense of classic sexual roles, fundamental pillars for this businessman, since management positions in his companies were assigned depending on the sex of the people, their proximity to certain religious congregations and their level of integration in his familiar clan. Ruiz-Mateos' actions are a clear evidence of the disadvantages of controlling a big holding from a family perspective completely corrupted by strict religious values.


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Author Biography

Pedro Vázquez-Miraz, Universidad de A Coruña
Licenciado en Psicología (Especialidad Social y del Trabajo) por la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela en 2009 y Máster en Psicología Aplicada por la Universidad de A Coruña en 2013, fue responsable del servicio de orientación psicológica a los estudiantes (SOEP) de la anterior universidad durante el período 2011-2012. Actualmente es doctorando en el programa oficial de ciencias sociales y del comportamiento de la universidad de A Coruña.
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How to Cite
Vázquez-Miraz P. (2017). Nueva Rumasa and the limitations of the old gender roles in business. Nómadas. Critical Journal of Social and Juridical Science, 52(4), 281-299.