The SOLO Colection: A window on Japanese history and contemporary culture through art

Keywords: contemporary art, collecting, Japan, collection SOLO


The purpose of this research is the analysis of the Japanese art collections of the Colección SOLO, one of the most important collections of contemporary art in Europe. This collection was created in Spain in the second decade of the 21st century and, today, has works by artists from all over the world; a particularity worth highlighting, since most of the collections in this country, whether public or private, usually have collections mainly from national, European or Western artists. In the case of the Colección SOLO, Asian artists especially stand out, including Japanese artists with 112 pieces by 22 authors, many of them leading artists. In addition to highlighting this collection, the artists and their works present in it, this study aims to highlight the practice of Japanese contemporary art collecting, as it offers a window into Japanese history and contemporary culture. Through the collections of Japanese art, we can learn about the evolution of the links or relationships that Japan and Spain have established over time and, on the other hand, through the pieces the particular vision that we had of the same history, in the most of the cases, told through the Western prism.


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Author Biography

Alejandra Rodríguez Cunchillos, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Se encuentra finalizando su Tesis Doctoral “Coleccionismo privado y coleccionistas de arte contemporáneo japonés en España” en la Universidad de Zaragoza, bajo la dirección de la Dra. Elena Barlés, gracias a una beca FPI concedida por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Español.

Además, compagina sus actividades de investigación con su trabajo como guía de exposiciones y educadora en los centros expositivos Etopia Centro de Arte y Tecnología, Centro de Documentación del Agua y Medio Ambiente (CDAMA) y CaixaForum de Zaragoza

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How to Cite
Rodríguez Cunchillos A. . (2024). The SOLO Colection: A window on Japanese history and contemporary culture through art. Mirai. Estudios Japoneses, 8, 27-41.