La esencia de la novela de Tsubochi Shôyô. Análisis crítico, traducción y notas de Kayoko Takagi Takanashi y José Pazó Espinosa. Madrid: Ediciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (“Colección Japón”), 2021, 292 pp.

Keywords: Translation of Shôsetsu shinzui (La esencia de la novela), Tsubouchi Shôyô, Ukigumo (Nubes flotantes), Futabatei Shimei, modern novel in Japan


The translation and study of Shôtetsu shinzui (“The Essence of the Novel”), the work written by Tsubouchi Shôyô, along with the evidence of the complementary role played by the novel Ukigumo (“Floating Clouds”), written by Futabatei Shimei, allow the researchers to investigate the origins of the modern novel in Japan, that had to overcome many obstacles before reaching its whole maturity some years later. A large knowledge of Japanese and Western bibliography guarantees the quality of this exemplary text.


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How to Cite
Martínez Shaw C. (2023). La esencia de la novela de Tsubochi Shôyô. Análisis crítico, traducción y notas de Kayoko Takagi Takanashi y José Pazó Espinosa. Madrid: Ediciones de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (“Colección Japón”), 2021, 292 pp. Mirai. Estudios Japoneses, 7, 137-139.