A brief tour of social entrepreneurship in Japan: From pre-modern Japan to Tōhoku post Fukushima.

  • Mario Malo Sanz Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Keywords: Tōhoku, social entrepreneurship, Japan, civil society, triple Fukushima disaster


The purpose of this article is to provide an analytical dimension to the social subject known as social entrepreneur, from pre-modern Japan to its new forms of development in the Tōhoku post Fukushima.
We are talking about a figure, whose historical conformation we can observe intermittently in the pre-industrial Japan, reaching the modernity of the Meiji period, and whose structural regulations will change substantially after the First World War, to reach our days under different initiatives. The transformation of contextual dynamics at the socioeconomic and political level, together with the phenomenon of globalization, make the concept we use today to define this type of development proposal closely linked to the processes that occurred in Europe and the United States at the end of the 80s, and that it began to have some significance during the first decade of the XXI, reaching important quotas of social significance after the triple disaster of Fukushima in 2011.




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How to Cite
Malo Sanz M. (2020). A brief tour of social entrepreneurship in Japan: From pre-modern Japan to Tōhoku post Fukushima. Mirai. Estudios Japoneses, 4, 75-85. https://doi.org/10.5209/mira.67537