La mediación de la televisión en procesos de enculturación

  • Gladys Daza Hernández
Keywords: Social mediation, Enculturation, Social production of communication, Television


This text is presented in the context of the publication of TV Cultura - Los jóvenes en el proceso de enculturación (1989). It is the result of an inter and transdisciplinary investigation which confronts and complements the particular visions of eight disciplines (anthropology, psychology, sociology, linguistics, economics, education, communication and journalism) in search of the ultimate reasons which explain cultural events. The investigation “Modelos de comportamiento y consumo de productos televisivos comunicativos” was carried out with teenage students ranging from 12 to 17 years old in Bogotá (Colombia) in 1987. A poll with a representative sample of this population was conducted. In the theoretical approach explained in the first part of the publication, the mediation of television in the communicative social practices and its enculturation role was developed. This text is completely inspired and based in the paradigms of Social Mediation and The Social Production of Communication developed by the Spanish re-searcher Manuel Martín Serrano, who, as a lecturer at the Universidad Co-plutense de Madrid doctorate courses, had a great influence on his disciples because of the reliability and depth of his theoretical approaches.


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How to Cite
Daza Hernández G. . (2008). La mediación de la televisión en procesos de enculturación. Mediaciones Sociales, 2, 49-62.