Los caminos que conducen hacia una nueva teoría de la estrategia. Aportación al homenaje a Manuel Martín Serrano

  • Rafael Alberto Pérez
Keywords: Strategic theory, Human beings, Capacities, Strategizing, Communication


In 2001, Manuel Martín Serrano collaborated in my book Estrategias de Comunicación where he proposed "a less geometric and more hermeneutic new strategic theory, less rational and more relational". A theory that is based on the intention of working with real human beings, not with artificial constructs such as the homo economicus, the rational actor or the player. In the present work, the author specifies the New Strategic Theory in seven big changes with regards to the conventional formulations of Strategy. It is necessary to close this theory, but we can already glimpse its expected result: a General Theory of Strategy.


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How to Cite
Alberto Pérez R. . (2007). Los caminos que conducen hacia una nueva teoría de la estrategia. Aportación al homenaje a Manuel Martín Serrano. Mediaciones Sociales, 1, 45-73. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/MESO/article/view/MESO0707110045A