Women´s and men´s time management of andalusian cinematographic production

Keywords: audiovisual fiction, executive audiovisual group, gender inequality, autonomous time, heteronomous time


Plenty of scientific studies have demonstrated that there is inequality in the time management between women and men, whether it is about wage employment or domestic labor, personal relationships or leisure time and this article aims at deepening on those differences that end up influencing in such a direct way life itself. The objective is to analyze what occurs in the Andalusian audiovisual industry with a focus on a group of film directors dedicated to the realization of fictional work.  The method chosen is the in-depth interview. The analysis of the results allows us to conclude that female directors make use of time similar to that of their peers in professional activities but not in the domestic. Unequal management is not innocuous for women in the fictional audiovisual sector.



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Author Biography

Trinidad Núñez Domíguez, Universidad de Sevilla

Trinidad Núñez Domínguez es profesora Titular de Universidad en la Universidad de Sevilla. Con más de treinta años de experiencia docente, ha participado en una decena de proyectos de investigación competitivos manteniendo como áreas de interés los medios de comunicación, la socialización y el género. Ha sido Secretaria de la Facultad de Psicología; Vicedecana de Ordenación Docente e Investigación en la Facultad de Comunicación y Vicedecana de Ordenación Académica en esta misma facultad. Galardonada con el Premio Meridiana-2013 (Junta de Andalucía), el XX Premio Carmen de Burgos (Universidad de Málaga) y el Premio Mujer-2015 (Ayuntamiento de Sevilla).

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How to Cite
Ocon M. y Domíguez T. N. (2020). Women´s and men´s time management of andalusian cinematographic production. Mediaciones Sociales, 19, e66582. https://doi.org/10.5209/meso.66582