The epistemological challenge of theoretical praxis in the construction of theories of communication

  • Alberto Efendy Maldonado Gómez de la Torre Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS)
Keywords: theoretical research; theoretical praxis; epistemologies; transformative methodologies; construction of knowledge in communication.


This text aims to bring reflections and debates about the theoretical, academic and scientific work in communication sciences. It works three agglutinating aspects, first, the theoretical praxis and its contribution to the investigation; secondly, the epistemological challenge of continuity and rupture to confront the theoretical fragmentation in the field; and, finally, it affirms the necessary construction of theories of communication, as an indispensable practice to break the logocentrism and intellectual neocolonialism, which are preponderant in the current peripheral academic life. The text is constructed from the knowledge generated in theoretical and empirical investigations, carried out by the author in more than three decades, that express a transmethodological perspective of knowledge construction.


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Author Biography

Alberto Efendy Maldonado Gómez de la Torre, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS)

Catedrático del Programa de Doctorado y Maestría en Ciencias de la Comunicación, UNISINOS, 2000-2018. Doctor en Ciencias de la Comunicación por la Universidad de São Paulo, 1999. Coordinador General para América Latina de la Red AMLAT, 2009-2018. Titular de la Cátedra Armand Mattelart de CIESPAL, 2016- . Coordinador del Grupo de Investigación-PROCESSOCOM, 2002-2017. Miembro de las asociaciones científicas, ALAIC, INTERCOM, COMPÓS, SBPC, IAMCR, IBERCOM. Investigador de problemáticas epistemológicas, teóricas, metodológicas relacionadas con los procesos comunicacionales y mediáticos en América Latina (ciudadanía comunicacional, educomunicación, integración, medios alternativos y populares).

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How to Cite
Maldonado Gómez de la Torre A. E. (2019). The epistemological challenge of theoretical praxis in the construction of theories of communication. Mediaciones Sociales, 18, 11-24.