Strategic Communication: the state of the art

  • Rafael Alberto Pérez Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: unifying the field of Strategic Communication, strategy, communication, incarnation, organization, life sciences.


There is every indication that the prob-lem for sketching the state of the art in Strategic Communication is not a ques-tion of clarifying where we are in this subject, but of defining which is the phe-nomenon we are speaking of. Starting from this point, the author makes a re-view of four fields related to Strategic Communication: Strategy Studies, Communication Studies, specific studies about Strategic Communication and studies about Strategic Communication carried out by Life Sciences. The author concludes that there are two features that characterize the current period: (1) the strong movements of Communication and Strategy towards the new Scientific Paradigms. And (2) the trend, in both fields, towards personification in indi-viduals (relations) and in collective individuals (organizations). As a turn-ing point, the author suggests the study of Strategic Communication not only as a social, political or economical phenome-non but as a biological one. The reason for this proposal is that the incarnation of Strategic Communication in the fabric of life will facilitate the unification of this field of study.


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Author Biography

Rafael Alberto Pérez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Servicio de Publicaciones



How to Cite
Alberto Pérez R. (2012). Strategic Communication: the state of the art. Mediaciones Sociales, 10, 121-196.
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