"Medea dos fuxidos" by Manuel Lourenzo and "Medea" by Euripides. Textual Influences and Ethical-emocional Concepts

  • Noelia Cendán Teijeiro Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Keywords: Medea, Eurípides, Medea dos fuxidos, Manuel Lourenzo


Medea dos fuxidos, a scenic poem by Manuel Lourenzo, dramatizes most of the subject matter contained in the Greek tragedy Medea. Although the Galician playwright makes an excellent cultural adaptation by reformulating all types of aspects (secondary characters, setting, anthropological ideas...), the work retains, as this study shows, important features of the Greek version, namely textual thematic line, concomitants and dramatic characterization.


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How to Cite
Cendán Teijeiro N. (2015). "Medea dos fuxidos" by Manuel Lourenzo and "Medea" by Euripides. Textual Influences and Ethical-emocional Concepts. Madrygal. Revista de Estudios Gallegos, 18(Especial), 171-181. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_MADR.2015.v18.48534