Databases and repositories
- Dialnet
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).
- EBSCO - Fuente Académica Plus
- MLA - Modern Language Association Database
- REDIB (Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico).
- ROAD. Directory of Open Access Resources
- Scopus
- The Philosopher´'s Index
Catalogued in
- Copec (Reino Unido)
- Sudoc (Francia)
- Zeitschriftendatenbank (Alemania)
- World Cat (Mundial)
- Catálogo CISNE de la UCM (España)
- Red Española de Filosofía (REF) (España)
- Red de Bibliotecas Universitarias (REBIUN) (España)
- OCLC WorldCat
- International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR)
Open Access Policy
Evaluation systems
- CIRC 2023
- Humanities B
- Social Sciences C
- Humanities B
- Dialnet Metrics 2023
- Impact index: 0.60
- Rank: 1/95 (C1 Philosophy)
- ERIH PLUS by Dimensions
- Google Scholar Metrics (2019-2023)
- Index h 8
- Median h 14
- Index h 8
- Journa Citation Reports 2023
- Journal Impact Factor: 0.4
- Journal Citation Indicator: 0.31
- Posición:177/325 (Q3 Filosofía)
- Seal of Quality 2023
- Ranking 2023
- Score: 35.99
- Position: 21/36 (C3 Philosophy)
- Catalogo v1.0 (2002-2017): 34 characteristics fulfilled out of 36
- Catalogo v2.0 (2018- ) : Unclassified
- MIAR 2023: c2+m3+e2+x4
- SJR. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 2023
- SJR: 0.15
- H-index: 4
- Q2 Philosophy
- Q3 Sociology and Political Science
- SCOPUS 2023
- CiteScore: 0.5
- SNIP: 0.529