Psychoanalysis, Work and Democracy

Keywords: suffering at work, living labor, managerial turn, voluntary servitude, ethical suffering


The following text presents the link between work, subjectivity and suffering from the perspective of the psychodynamics of work. It defends the usefulness of psychoanalysis to think about the relationship between work and democracy, as well as the effects of the transformations of work on the erosion of the social bond. Likewise, the main theses of the psychodynamics of work are presented, relative to the impact of the neoliberal turn in business management, the suffering produced by competition and the vindication of a Marxist concept of living work, which has repercussions on the understanding of the individual and collective dimensions of work and on the understanding of intelligence and the body in a work situation.


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How to Cite
Dejours C., del Arco Ortiz J. . y Vega Jiménez S. (2025). Psychoanalysis, Work and Democracy. Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy, 14(1), 123-129.