Pedagogical revolution and political education in Paulo Freire

Keywords: political pedagogy, Pedagogy of the oppressed, teacher-student, leader


Paulo Freire was considered as one of the most important specialist in pedagogy in the twentieth century. However, his work goes beyond the pedagogy in several aspects. There is a vinculation between his texts and political situations in different places like Pernambuco, Brasil or Guinea-Bissau, one of the Portugal's last colonies. And this link makes us to notice the multidisciplinarian feature of the Paulo Freire's theory, between political philosophy, philosophy of education, and sociology. One the one hand, this article tries to demonstrate the junction between the political prosses and learning prosses, but on the other hand it goes deeper in the characterization of the terms that describe both paths of political organization and the ways to take decisions when we think within political field. To do that, we will start from the Freire’s context to his most aknowledged book, Pedagogy of the oppressed. In this book Freire stablished a paralelism between education and social movements, renewing premisses about traditional theory in politics and taking basis in dialectics.


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How to Cite
Morollón del Río D. (2023). Pedagogical revolution and political education in Paulo Freire. Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy, 12(2), 219-227.