Exile and creation. Return to the philosophical and political trajectory of Castoriadis

  • Nicholas Poirier Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre
Keywords: Exile, Creation, Imagination, Chaos, Self-Institution.


This text looks back at Castoriadis' intellectual path to reflect on the link between his situation as an exile in France and his philosophical thinking. Not to mention the intrinsic relationship between existence and thought, however, we can hear certain resonances between a life path marked by exile and an intellectual course worked by the questioning of philosophical concepts traditional. Thus, the reflection conducted by Castoriadis, through his critique of deterministic and identity ontology, allows us to articulate in a different way the relationship between disorder and institution. Unable to claim to be based on a principle of authority, democracy must do with the creativity of individuals and societies.


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Author Biography

Nicholas Poirier, Université Paris-Ouest Nanterre
Laboratoire Sophiapaol
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How to Cite
Poirier N. (2020). Exile and creation. Return to the philosophical and political trajectory of Castoriadis. Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy, 9(16), 17-29. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/LTDL/article/view/75170