Care, power and Citizenship

  • Tomeu Sales Gelabert University of Islas Baleares
Keywords: Care, Patriarchal domination, Capitalism, Citizenship.


This paper addresses the issue of care from a feminist and democratic perspective. A realistic care concept is proposed, showing the existence of a traditional patriarchal domination system as to the provision of the same. Crisis of care and the relationship between the configuration of capitalism and the new redistribution of care is addressed. This redistribution reinforces traditional patriarchal domination of care. Finally, we propose Ch. Mouffe and N. Yuval-Davis the rearticulating of citizenship. This rearticulating of citizenship allows the emergence of a democratic and feminist care.


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Author Biography

Tomeu Sales Gelabert, University of Islas Baleares
Profesor ayudante doctor de la Universitat de les Illes Balears. Departament de Filosofia i Treball social. Licenciado en Filosofía y Doctor en Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Miembro del grupo de Investigación: Política, Trabajo y Sostenibilidad, de la UIB.
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How to Cite
Sales Gelabert T. (2015). Care, power and Citizenship. Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy, 4(6), 7-45.