Focus and Scope

The Journal Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy (ISSN: 2255-3827) is an electronic scientific publication edited by the Department of Philosophy and Society of the Faculty of Philosophy focused on questions of political philosophy with an eye on our historical present. Las Torres de Lucca publishes in free access under Creative Commons license (CC BY) in Spanish and English, and exceptionally in French, Portuguese, Italian or German, translated into Spanish or English and published in bilingual format.

The magazine is committed to argumentative rigor and expositional clarity, both understood as necessary to promote political debate from democratic and inclusive parameters, aspiring to arouse interest not only in the academic field, but also in readers trained in other disciplines, but interested in public issues that inevitably concern them.

Publication Frequency


Peer Review Process

  1. The Editorial Board of Las Torres de Lucca subscribes the following "Code of Good Practices"
  2. The journal will not charge any fee for receiving articles or its evaluation.
  3. Prior editorial review is made to all submissions. Submissions may be returned to authors who: 1.º Not satisfy the requirement of originality and unpublised character of the articles; 2.° Do not refer to the field of the magazine; 3º exceed the extent established for the type of collaboration; 4º do not meet formal requirements as directed; 5º do no not send the work in the required support.
  4. All submissions that have the approval of the Editorial Board will be refereed by external reviewers. The arbitration shall be conducted by double-blind peer review.
  5. The reviewer will inform the Editorial Board using a virtual form with the following information: "Model Reviewer’s Form"
  6. The Secretary will send a communication to the authors with the reasoned decision of the Editorial Board, ensuring anonymity at all stages of the process.
  7. Articles will receive after evaluation the following labels: a) unconditional acceptance; b) Acceptance subject to the proposed improvements, c) Refusal, encouraging the author to rewrite the document and send it again; d) unconditional rejection.
  8. The opinion of the referees is final.
  9. We will only publish articles that have two (2) opinions of "unconditional acceptance".
  10. After receiving the reports of the referees, the Secretary will notify the author and enclose the evaluation forms. In case of disagreement between the referees and before notifying the author the Secretary will use a third evaluator.
  11. Articles with "Acceptance subject to proposed improvements" will receive the comments of the referees. The author may then: a) withdraw its publication; b) follow the suggestions of the evaluators. If so, the article  will be sent back to the original referee so that the modifications can be approved.
  12. The articles labelled as "Rejection, encouraging the author to rewrite the document and send it again" will be treated as original submissions.
  13. The authors should proofread before publication.
  14. The number of articles published in each issue will respond to the editorial flow with a maximum of 10 articles (not including reviews).

Interoperability protocols

Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosoph provides an interface OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative – Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) that enables interoperability between different platforms and repositories through the exchange of metadata.
Protocol: OAI-PMH Version 2.0
Metadata formats: Dublin Core Metadata; MARC; MARC21; RFC1807
URL for harvesters: