Love and Moral Psychology in Global Politics: A Kantian Reworking of Rawls and Nussbaum
- Pärttyli Rinne Academia Kantiana, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Russian Federation / Aalto University, Finland
Biografia do Autor
Pärttyli Rinne (PhD, University of St Andrews) is a visiting researcher at Aalto University, Department of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering, Brain and Mind Laboratory. Rinne specializes in Kant’s philosophy and philosophy of love. He is the author of the monograph Kant on Love (De Gruyter 2018) and has published several articles on Kant’s philosophy and philosophy of love more broadly. Besides collaborating with cognitive neuroscientists on a project “Somatic and Neural Correlates of Love”, Rinne is currently co-editing a collection of essays Kant on Sex, Love, and Friendship. Rinne is also a novelist and an award-winning scriptwriter.
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