Capitalizing on the Querelle des femmes: A Business Opportunity for its Publishers

Keywords: Querelle des femmes, Literature, Genre Studies, Publishers


In the years of the Querelle des femmes, the publishing market was not immune to the interest aroused by the works framed in this dispute. The replies and counter-replies to the misogynistic treatises seem to have been especially profitable for the printers as this is attested by the fact that, on several occasions, the names of the same publishers are found publishing texts both for and against the women. This paper aims to analyze such occasions and to advance some hypotheses about its publication from the perspective of the commercial interest, instead of the academic one. Being so vast the amount of works that saw the light around this debate, we will limit our analysis to the work of a few editors.


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How to Cite
Aguilar González J. (2023). Capitalizing on the Querelle des femmes: A Business Opportunity for its Publishers. Ingenium. Revista Internacional de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología en Historia de las Ideas, 17, 33-40.