Renaissance art as dispositif of subjectivation

  • Carlos Bosch FLACSO (Argentina)
Keywords: art, Renaissance, discourse, dispositif, subjectivation.


The features that art assumes throughout the Renaissance are not only due to their practices and speeches but to a whole era of changes. We have taken the concepts of "dispositif" and "subjectivation" from the perspective of Michel Foucault because they are the theoretical support that will allow us to study, through a sociological approach, this process as a dynamic that includes a whole network of elements. The concept of dispositif allows us to analyze the interaction between the relations of power and the aesthetic production, thanks to which we will make visible the influence of art in a process of subjectivation capable of sustaining and playing that new order.


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How to Cite
Bosch C. (2016). Renaissance art as dispositif of subjectivation. Ingenium. Revista Internacional de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología en Historia de las Ideas, 10, 43-57.