Databases and repositories
- Dialnet
- Emerging Sources Citationi Index (ESCI)
- Francis
- Index to the Study of Religions Online
- L’Année Philologique
- Old Testament Abstracts
- Periodicals Index Online (PIO)
- REDIB. Red Iberoamerica de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico
- ROAD. Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources
- Regesta Imperii
- Religious & Teological Abstracts (RTA)
- Scopus
- Sociological Abstracts (SA)
- Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
Open Access Policy
Evaluation systems
- Level D Religious Studies
- Level D Philology, Linguistics and Sociolinguistics
- CIRC 2022
- Social Sciences D
- Humanities B
- Social Sciences D
- Dialnet Metrics 2023
- Impact index: 0.18
- Posición: 77/296 (C2 History)
- Posición: 29/116 (C2 General and Specialized History)
- Posición: 10/66 (C1 Religion)
- ERIH PLUS by Dimensions
- Seal of Quality 2016
- Ranking 2023
- Score: 25.98
- Rank: 31/36 (C4 Philosophy)
- Score: 25.98
- Google Scholar Metrics 2022 (2017-2021)
- Index h 4
- Median h 4
- Journal Citation Reports 2023
- Journal Impact Factor:0.1
- Journal Citation Indicator:0.04
- Posición:327/339 (Q4 Religion)
- Latindex Catálogo v2.0 (2018- ) : Unclassified
- MIAR 2023: c2+m2+e5+x4
- SJR. SCImago Journal & Country Rank 2023
- SJR: 0.125
- H-Index: 7
- Q3 Religious Studies
- Q3 Philosophy
- SCOPUS 2023
- CiteScore: 0.2
- SNIP: 1.739