El “Canto de los Responsos” de Ulaca (Ávila): un rito celta del Más Allá

  • Martín Almagro Gorbea
Keywords: Ulaca Vettones Celtic religion Celtic folklore Stones Cult Cairn Funerary cults Omphalos Lares Viales Hermes Lug-Mercurius psicopompus


The "Canto de los Responsos" is a rock situated 3 km SW from the Celtic oppidum of Ulaca, Ávila, which maintains a Celtic folk ritual: when a man is going to the mountain, throws a stone on the rock to avoid an accident caused by the souls. The ritual and its paraleles are analysed and interpreted in relation with Celtic believes in the Other World based on a rock as omphalic place. This ritual is an interesting example of continuity of a Celtic folk tradition in Iberia.


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How to Cite
Almagro Gorbea M. (2006). El “Canto de los Responsos” de Ulaca (Ávila): un rito celta del Más Allá. ’Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de las Religiones, 11, 5-38. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/ILUR/article/view/ILUR0606110005A